Fields: Add/Edit Web Service

Add Web Service lets you create a new web service definition that connects Portfolio with either your Symphony ILS or Horizon ILS. Edit Web Service lets you modify the settings for a specific web service definition.

Web Services > Add Web Service

Web Services > Edit

ILS Type:

Specifies the ILS that the web service will connect to.

Connecting to Symphony with Symphony Web Services lets you take advantage of the My Account features in the Searching interface. When you connect to the Horizon ILS using the Horizon Web Services, library users will not have access to My Account, and placing items on hold will be handled through the HIP OPAC.


Specifies a unique code for the web service (up to 30 characters). This code is used to identify the web service on the Web Services list.

Codes are displayed in all uppercase letters. If you enter lowercase alphanumeric characters for the code, the software automatically converts them to uppercase when the code is displayed.

Note: This value must be unique. If you enter a code that is already being used elsewhere in the system and try to save the web service definition, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique and informs you that the value you entered is already being used for another web service.


Specifies the system name of the web service definition (up to 80 characters) for the specified language. This name is used to identify the service on the Web Services page, the Add or Edit Source Site, and in the Add or Edit Web Symphony Authentication Server page. For more information, see Fields: Web Services and Fields: Add/Edit Symphony Web Services Authentication Server.

For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages, then enter the localized name in the field.

Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.

If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the differentiating formatting.


Lets you include a short note to help you and other administrators remember the purpose of this web service.

Hold Range

Specifies the range of libraries that can be considered when a library user places a hold. When the range includes other libraries, the library user can specify which of the libraries will be the pickup library. For example, if a title level/group range hold is submitted, SirsiDynix Symphony will check all the items that qualify to fill the hold for availability and belong to libraries referenced in the Hold Group Libraries attribute for the station user’s Library policy. By extending the check to libraries within the hold group or within the system, the library can prevent holds being placed for items on shelf that would not be pulled by library staff to fill the hold.

The table explains the options:

Option Description


Restricts items for hold to the library user's current library only.


Restricts items to the hold group that the current library is part of. The group is determined in the Hold Map in Symphony. See the Hold Map Wizard Help topic in the Java WorkFlows client for more information.


Items in all the libraries that are in the system are considered for the hold.

Web Service URL

Specifies the Universal Resource Locator (up to 255 characters) to the web service.

  • Symphony Web Services—Enter the URL to the web service (for example,, where is the server where Symphony Web Services is installed, 8080 is the port number, and symws specifies the Symphony Web Services installation).
  • Horizon Web Services—Enter the URL to the web service (for example,, where is the server where Horizon Web Services is installed, 8080 represents the port number that HIP is using, and hzws specifies the Horizon Web Services installation).

After you have entered the URL, you can click Test Connection to verify that the address is correct. If it is, the text "Test Successful" appears next to the button and the ILS and web services versions appear below the web service URL field.

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